Our annual Joint Western/Concord Quarterly Meeting at Westtown will feature a presentation on nutrition and brain health. Please join us for Meeting for Business, Worship, a search for edible plants and a talk by Dr Mary-Anne Ost.
Quarterly Meeting at Birmingham April 24
Quarterly Meeting at Birmingham will feature a unique Radio Play performed by the youth of the Meeting. Please join us for Meeting for Business, Worship, and this thought provoking performance followed by discussion.
Quarterly Meeting at Wilmington - January 23, 2022
Information Sources from Ashley Cloud’s talk are now posted here.
Program: Ashley Cloud, a masterful storyteller and lover of local history, will weave the tale of the unlikely friendship between Harriet Tubman and Thomas Garrett and their experience in Delaware with the Underground Railroad.
Quarterly Meeting at Westtown - October 24, 2021
Please Join us for an informative program presented by Westtown titled “Climate Change: “Think Globally, Act Locally”
PYM Mid-East Collaborative Resources
The PYM Mid-East collaborative members who participated in our program on the Middle East at our July 18 Quarterly Meeting have provided materials that you will find helpful at the link below
Joint Concord/Western Quarterly Meeting - July 18 - 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM
Joint Multigenerational Community Worship and a Progam on the Middle East with members of the PYM Middle East Collaborative
Concord Quarterly Meeting hosted by West Chester Meeting April 25, 2021
Meeting for Business followed by a Youth and Adult program titled Anti-Blackness - Let’s Talk About That
Concord Quarterly Meeting Hosted by Goshen Meeting January 24, 2021
Goshen Meeting hosts this Zoom event, Concord Quarter’s Meeting for Business and Meeting for Worship followed by a presentation by FCNL lead Domestic Policy Staffer, Amelia Kegan, for a presentation on Environmental Stewardship.